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LWRC is a member-run organization. Members are expected to contribute at least 10 hours of volunteer service per year to the club. These volunteer hours help the club minimize the cost of membership, provide opportunities for members to meet each other, and help foster a sense of ownership and community.

Ways to Earn Volunteer Hours:​

  • Volunteer for basic boathouse tasks like laundering towels (both boat and kitchen), sweeping the boat bays, or taking out the trash. If you have any questions or would like some ideas for quick, impactful ways to help, feel free to reach out to

  • You can also sign up for seasonal work parties! Depending on the season, these may involve cleaning and organizing rooms inside the boathouse or working on landscaping outside.

  • Volunteer for Head of the Lakeour biggest event of the year, which relies on help from every member. It’s a huge team effort with a wide variety of tasks to choose from, so you’re sure to find one that suits your skills!

  • Participate in seasonal work parties for boathouse cleanup and landscaping

  • Assist with Learn to Row classes—another essential role for volunteers! We’re not asking you to coach; we just need help keeping the class organized, carrying boats, and assisting the coach with any additional needs.

  • Provide assistance with professional services, including marketing, fundraising, graphic design, accounting, and legal work. 

  • Contribute to LWRC's quarterly newsletter, Making Waves.

  • Participate on club committees.

  • Organize or assist with club social events, such as Head of the Troll, 8K Erg Rumble etc.


If you are unable to contribute volunteer time, you may "purchase" volunteer hours here.

Log your volunteer hours

Volunteer hours may logged on MindBody or through the Google form below. 

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